It was not until the 1964 iconic story, THE DALEK INVASION OF EARTH, that UK TV tie-in merchandise came of age. Dalekmania had arrived, and the British public had never seen the like before. If a logo could be printed on it, it was produced, stacked on a shelf (not for long!) and sold.

Throughout DOCTOR WHO's original run (1963-89), nefarious merchandise tempted fans to raid their ceramic piggy bank (in the shape of a Police Public Call Box). It ranged from books, videos, fanzines, toys, clothing (yes, including underpants), wallpaper, stationery and auctioned props from the series itself.

A number of websites are dedicated to archiving merchandise from the CLASSIC SERIES: here's the best -

With the NEW SERIES of DOCTOR WHO, 2008 will see a completely new range of product; more DVDs, more toys, and more books.

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